
For Chain Runners



10k, Each tailored to a Runner.


Chain Runners – 0.01Ξ

Public – 0.015Ξ


Chain Runners only. Public 02/04.

Sales & Royalties

10% Chain Runners Team
90% Medallions Team


Mint and transfer 50%+ cheaper.
No gas to list on OpenSea.

<begin transmission, chain 1, block 1642656103833>

Renegades, this is Tank.

Medallions have arrived.

Look, I wanted to deliver these myself but the damn somnites have been watching our every move since we took this stuff. Some "worthless space dust".

We're gonna need a particle tunnel. Opening now.

<begin transmission, chain 6, block 1641989211117>

Renegades, this is Tank.

You prob heard the reports of debris up on wrecker hills. “space dust”, they said. Well, you know me, I went to check it out.

What a load of bullshit.

Someone is up to something. I don't know who or what but I called up thomazi, we pulled up, middle of the night and packed our hover with the stuff till we just about couldn’t fly no more.

We took it back to the foundry, cracked it open. In my 30 years working the forge, never seen anythin quite like it. It shines like diamonds and squirms like worms. yah, living, or something. Thing is, a couple days later we noticed something. That smog in our workshop the past 10 years? Gone. The smell? Gone too.

Here's where it gets weird–and I swear on cosmo’s damn grave–my weezy cough from operating the forge all these years? Gone. Thomazi’s skin thing? Yeah.

Look, I don't know what this stuff is. But it's damn magic as far as I'm concerned. Every Renegade ought to be walking around with one of these on em. We won't ever lose a damn war again.

That's why from today, the foundry will stop all work on the elite iv and focus on Medallions. Yeah, we're callin em Medallions–Thomazi's idea.

Damn it. Gonna need to open a new channel.

<end of transmission>